1 (888) 9-HYDREX    [email protected]
Hydrex Hydrex Drone Division
1 (888) 9-HYDREX    [email protected]

Subsurface Exploration


Hydrex offers expertise in field exploration and sampling techniques used in subsurface investigations for environmental evaluations, regulatory compliance, and natural resource evaluation projects. In most cases, Hydrex utilizes in-house equipment and staff drillers and geologists to conduct or oversee subsurface investigations. Hydrex is fully equipped to provide third part contract Geoprobe® services with experienced geologists.

Geophysical Well Logging and Interpretations
Geophysical well logging provides important information for groundwater studies at project sites. Hydrex uses in-house equipment and experienced staff to successfully log, evaluate, and report subsurface conditions in open-hole or cased wells. Hydrex can fully characterize subsurface conditions through groundwater modeling using cutting-edge 3D modeling software.



312 Old Tyler Rd., Nacogdoches, TX 75961
Toll Free: 1 (888) 9-HYDREX
(936) 568-9451 | [email protected]
Satellite Office: Houston, Texas

Providing FAA certified drone services nationwide. Licensed Professional Geoscientist in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida.