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John Q. Hargrove, P.E.

Project Engineer
Hydrex Environmental
Nacogdoches, Texas
Email: [email protected]


B.S. Civil Engineering
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Lafayette, Louisiana

M.S. Civil Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas

Professional Licenses

  • Texas Professional Engineer, No. 65272
  • Louisiana Professional Engineer, No. 20423
  • Arkansas Professional Engineer, No. 7315
  • Mississippi Professional Engineer, No. 9613
  • Alabama Professional Engineer, No. 16087

Summary of Geoscience Work Experience

John Q. Hargrove, P.E., serves as a Project Engineer for Hydrex Environmental located in Nacogdoches, Texas. Mr. Hargrove has 39 years of experience as an engineer in the environmental, municipal solid waste (MSW) and geotechnical engineering industry. Mr. Hargrove has gained professional experience including work in the areas of MSW landfill cell and closure design and construction quality assurance (CQA), landfill gas collection and control system (GCCS) design plan and permit modification preparation, construction project management, and CQA. Mr. Hargrove has seven years of experience performing geotechnical investigations and two years of experience performing remedial investigations and installing groundwater monitoring wells at hazardous waste sites. His primary emphasis for the previous 27 years has been on the design, construction, and infrastructure facility management of MSW landfill projects.

Detailed Description of Work Experience

Mr. Hargrove’s recent consulting experience includes serving as a project manager for landfill GCCS design, construction project management and GCCS monitoring and operations and maintenance oversight, air permitting for industrial clients, final cover design and construction for a remediation site, and SPCC plan preparation, review, and Professional Engineering certification.

During 15 years of employment for two major MSW companies, Mr. Hargrove served as a project manager with responsibilities including environmental compliance, capital budget development and tracking, construction, and project management for Construction and Demolition (C&D) and MSW landfills, MSW transfer stations, and MSW hauling facilities in Southeast Texas. Mr. Hargrove served as a project manager for landfill cell and final cover constructions, landfill gas system expansions, odor control system, and leachate storage, transfer and pretreatment system installations at MSW landfills in Southeast Texas. Mr. Hargrove prepared environmental compliance information for existing and potential MSW customer review, conducted environmental audits of potential Texas Class 1 and 2 non-hazardous industrial waste customers, and coordinated responses to regulatory environmental inspections at landfills and transfer stations. Mr. Hargrove prepared liner/leachate collection and final cover grading plans and performed number MSW landfill liner stability analyses, estimated leachate and percolation volumes, and performed soil material balance analyses for proposed landfill projects in North America, Asia, and Australia. Mr. Hargrove developed contracts, prepared contract addenda, and resolved issues related to soil and geosynthetic materials supply and installation for landfill construction projects. Mr. Hargrove also evaluated geosynthetic materials manufacturer’s specifications and monitored production and quality control procedures in the development of a preferred vendor list.

Mr. Hargrove’s previous consulting experience includes preparation of GCCS design plans, permit modifications, construction drawings, and phasing plans for MSW landfills in Texas and Alabama, preparation of design and installation of a Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) system for a MSW landfill in Louisiana, third party CQA project management for construction of numerous GCCS expansions at MSW landfills in Texas, preparation of a permit renewal for a MSW transfer station in Florida and a permit modification and amendment for two medical waste processing facilities in Texas. Mr. Hargrove served as the Professional of Record (POR) for several MSW landfill liner evaluation projects. Mr. Hargrove was responsible for the leachate transfer system designs and served as the CQA project manager for MSW landfill construction in Texas.

As a consultant, Mr. Hargrove prepared GCCS permit modifications for MSW landfills in Texas and served as a project engineer for closure of RCRA units at a U.S. military weapons site in Arkansas. Mr. Hargrove developed design parameters for bioreacted waste landfill stability evaluation, performed slope stability analyses for three bioreactor landfill projects, and prepared construction bid documents for one bioreactor landfill project. Mr. Hargrove collected waste samples and coordinated laboratory testing program for evaluation of bioreacted waste strength properties. Mr. Hargrove prepared guidance documents and designs for leachate recirculation projects at MSW landfills and performed HELP model analyses to predict post-closure leachate generation rates for MSW landfills with leachate recirculation during active life.

Mr. Hargrove’s early environmental experience included project management and field supervision of monitoring well installations and soil sampling at a Superfund site in Mississippi and at several industrial sites in Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Alabama. Mr. Hargrove served as a Site Safety Officer for a remedial investigation at an abandoned hazardous waste site requiring Level B protection in Missouri. Mr. Hargrove also served as a field coordinator for a remedial investigation at a refinery in Louisiana involving monitoring well installation, groundwater sampling and a surface geophysical study.

Mr. Hargrove’s geotechnical experience included preparation of geotechnical investigation reports for over 125 commercial, industrial, and residential structures throughout Louisiana and Mississippi. Mr. Hargrove performed slope stability analyses and pile and drilled pier capacity analyses for industrial facilities in Louisiana and Mississippi and for a slope remediation of a previous riverbank slide. Mr. Hargrove supervised earthwork and drilled pier installation monitoring and concrete testing for numerous projects in Mississippi. Mr. Hargrove analyzed and prepared several stage-loading schedules for storage tanks at refineries.

312 Old Tyler Rd., Nacogdoches, TX 75961
Toll Free: 1 (888) 9-HYDREX
(936) 568-9451 | [email protected]
Satellite Office: Houston, Texas

Providing FAA certified drone services nationwide. Licensed Professional Geoscientist in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida.